I Feel So Alone, I Need to be Alone

I have a hard time jumping worlds. When I’m creating I want to stay there, in that bubble and not be interrupted for weeks sometimes. When I’m enjoying a smoke, a  great conversation by phone, laughter, good food, travel, it’s hard to step over that invisible line and go into the quiet. 
To our loved ones, it must feel like we have an invisible lover. The worst kind. You can’t go all crazy, pull a gun and threaten their life if they ever come near you and yours again. Art and the need to create crawls in the bed with you, settles in between the sheets, and draws on the minds and hearts of the creator in a dizzy, heady, sensual lure that few lovers could ever maintain. 
And yet there’s nothing like it. The buzz that comes with a new idea. . Even the agony is ecstasy. I love it when I hate it. I long to get back to it more than I longed to take a break.